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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • As part of the submission process, authors must check their submission's compliance with the following items. Submissions may be returned to authors who do not adhere to these guidelines.


    Presentation of the paper

    - All manuscripts should be organized in the following sequence: Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion (Results and Discussion), Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and References parts.

    - The Frontpage should contain the manuscript title, name(s) of the author(s) with their respective ORCID(s), electronic addresses, author(s), Institution with address, corresponding author, and Running title.

    These should be presented under the authors' names, including the institution's complete name and mailing address and the authors' email addresses. The Arabic numeral must indicate the authors as an exponent. The information must be according to the institutions' mailing addresses. Commas must separate the email addresses of authors from the same institution.


    - The second page must contain the Abstract (maximum 250 words) with Keywords (maximum 5) and the Resumo (maximum 250 words) in Portuguese with Palavras-chave (maximum, 5). 

    - The items on subsequent pages are Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and References.

    - Footnotes should be avoided.

  • Manuscript preparation

    Manuscripts should be submitted in Word. Use the automatic line numbering function to insert continuous line numbering in the document. Frontpage: article title, journal name, author names, affiliation, ORCID, and e-mail addresses. The manuscript should be typewritten on a word processor, double-spaced, neat, and error-free, with a margin of 3 cm, 2 cm left to right, justified alignment, and typed on one side of A4 paper (21 x 29.7 cm) using a standard font style, 12 point Times New Roman. 

    Presentation - The papers should not exceed 25 typewritten pages; the scientific notes: 8 pages; and the description of new cultivars: 8, including figures, tables, and References. 

  • Title

    The title must be written in bold uppercase letters.

    It must have at most 15 words, including articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.

    It should be clear and concise, and it should identify the content and purpose of the paper.

    It must not contain scientific names, except for little-known species; if this is the case, use only the binary nomenclature (genus and species) in italics.

    The title must not contain subtitles, abbreviations, formulas, or symbols.


  • Abstract-

    The abstract must be brief. It must contain the paper's reason and objective(s), what has been done, and the main results and conclusions. The abstract should be at most 250 words, including numbers, prepositions, conjunctions, and articles.


    The word "ABSTRACT" must be written in bold uppercase letters to the left and separated from the text by a dash.



    The word Keywords should be written to the left in bold lowercase letters.

    Commas should separate the words and begin with lowercase letters.

    They should include the studied species' scientific name (binary nomenclature).

    There should be no more than 5 (five) words, which must be different from those used in the paper's title.

  • Introduction

    Do not use the word "Introduction." Instead, this section shall include the reasons, hypothesis, a brief and current review of the subject, and the paper's objectives.

    The authors must mention works written in the last ten years, especially from journals; if necessary, mention classic works directly related to the topic.

    This section must have at most two pages.

  • Material and Methods


    Material and Methods must be aligned to the center and written lowercase, except for the first letters.

    This section must be presented in such a way as to enable other researchers to repeat the entire study.

    It should include a location description, date, and experimental design. It should indicate the treatments, the number of replicates, and the size of the experimental unit.

    The authors should describe the treatments and variables in one piece of text separated by periods.

    While naming the treatments and variables, try to avoid using abbreviations or acronyms but, if necessary, provide their meaning.

    Formulas, expressions, and mathematical equations shall be aligned to the left and have the standard font size.

    Specific reference to the statistical analysis used shall be made. Authors must also notify about data transformation.

    Avoid using subheadings; if necessary, use bold lowercase, except for the first letter. These shall be aligned to the left.

  • Results and Discussion

    The subtitle "Results and Discussion" shall be aligned to the center and written in bold lowercase, except for the first letters.

    Data presented in tables and figures should be kept in the text. However, they should be discussed in light of data submitted by other authors.

    Avoid abbreviating the treatments and variables.

    Tables and figures should be cited in the text, followed by a space and the corresponding number.

    Do not discuss data that has not been presented and do not mention works that have not been published, abstracts from conventions, in-office communication and works on the press.

    Avoid citing your works for ethical reasons and better validation of the paper.

    Do not speculate or make statements that cannot be supported by the available data or references.

    Reference to the tables should be made at the end of the first sentence of the respective text; if the remaining sentences of the paragraph refer to the same Table or Figure, there is no need to repeat the reference.

    Do not present the same data both in Tables and Figures.

    Instead, limit the Discussion to the collected data and relate the new findings to the previous knowledge.

    This section should be at most four pages
  • Conclusions


    Bold lowercase, except for the first letter, and aligned to the center.

    This section should not just summarize the results; it should present the new findings and be based only on the data presented in the paper.

  • Acknowledgments

    The word Acknowledgments should be in bold lowercase, except for the first letter, and aligned to the center.

    These should be brief and start with a preposition (people or institutions).

  • References

     The word "References" shall be bold lowercase, except for the first letter, and aligned to the center.

    The works should be from current sources and journals: at least 70% of the references should not be older than ten years, and 70% should be from journals.

    Older classic works may be cited, provided they relate directly to the subject.

    The references must follow the ABNT standards according to the NBR 6023.

    They should be written alphabetically according to the authors' names, separated by semicolons without enumeration.

    All the authors of each work should be listed.

    The titles of papers or journals should be written in bold letters.

    References to abstract works in the press or any other source that has not been published will not be accepted.

    There should be at most 30 references.

    References - There should be at most 30 in the scientific paper and 10 in scientific notes and new cultivars.

  • Articles from Journals


    MENG, D.; ZHAO, J.; ZHAO, C.; LUO H.; XIE, M.; LIU, R; LAI, J.; ZHANG, X; JIN, W. Sequential gene activation and gene imprinting during early embryo development in maize. Plant Journal, v. 93, no. 3, p. 445-459. DOI:  10.1111/tpj.13786


    HAJI, F. N. P.; PREZOTTI, L.; CARNEIRO, J. S.; ALENCAR, J. A. Trichogramma pretiosum para o controle de pragas no tomateiro industrial. In: PARRA, J. R. P.; BOTELHO, P. S. M.; CORRÊA-FERREIRA, B. S.; BENTO, J. M. (Ed.). Controle biológico no Brasil: parasitóides e predadores. Piracicaba, Manole, 2002. p. 477-494.


    MAURÍCIO, R. M.; PEREIRA, L. G. R.; GONÇALVES, L. C. Obtenção da equação quadrática entre volume e pressão para implantação da técnica in vitro semi-automática de produção de gases para avaliação de forrageiras tropicais. In: REUNIÃO ANUAL DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ZOOTECNIA, 38, 2001. Piracicaba. Anais... Piracicaba: SBZ, 2001. p.1345-1346.

  • Books

    SOLAIMALAI, A.; ANANTHARAJU, P.; IRULANDI, S.; THERADIMANI M.  Maize crop improvement, production, protection and post harvest technology. Boca Raton, Fl, Taylor & Francis; 1nd edition, vol. 1, 2020. 690 p.

    Chapters from books

    BATHLA, S.; JAIDKA, M.; KAUR, R. Nutritive Value. In: HOSSAIN, A. (Ed.). Maize production and use.  London, IntechOpen, 2020. p. 41-72. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.82912.

  • Thesis and Dissertations

    KAMPHORST, S. H. Melhoramento do milho-pipoca para ambientes com limitação hídrica: seleção de genótipos superiores, estudos de caracteres relacionados e análise genética. 2019. 126p. Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense.


    Technical brochure

    CUSTODIO, A. A. de P.; UTIAMADA, C. M.; MADALOSSO, T.; CAMPOS, H. D.; SILVA, D. D. da; COSTA, R. V. da; YADA, I. F. U. Eficiência de fungicidas no controle múltiplo de doenças foliares do milho: segunda safra 2020. Sete Lagoas: Embrapa-CNPMS, 40p. (IDR, Paraná. Boletim Técnico Nº 97), 2020. ISSN 0100-3054



    Siagre. 2021. Cultivo de milho: etapas e procedimentos da lavoura. Siagre. Available in,meses%20de%20janeiro%20a%20abril

  • Citing in the Text

    Reference to one author: last name beginning with a capital letter, followed by a comma and date.

    Reference to two authors: last names beginning with a capital letter, separated by an ampersand (&); followed by a comma and date.

    Reference to more than two authors: last name of the first author beginning with a capital letter followed by the expression et al., in standard font style, followed by a comma and date.

    According to the authors' names, references to more than one work must be in chronological order and then in alphabetical order. Semicolons should separate them.

    Reference to more than one work from the same authors: do not repeat the authors' names: the dates of the works should be separated by commas.


    Writing the references outside the parenthesis:

    References to the authors' name inside the sentence: follow the same guidelines above and put dates between parenthesis; commas should separate these.

  • Illustrations - Figures and Tables should be kept to the minimum necessary (no more than six in a scientific paper, two in scientific notes, and four in new cultivars. They should have a maximum of 30 cm in height by 25 cm in width and a maximum of 30 cm in height by 25 cm in width. 

  • Tables

    These should be referenced in numerical order, beginning with a capital letter, followed by the corresponding number. The references to tables can either be in parenthesis or be part of the text.

    The Tables should be numbered in a sequence with Arabic numerals. They should be on separate pages at the end (after the references section).

    They should be self-explanatory, i.e., they should not require the reader to look back at the text to understand them.

    Additional elements: footnotes and bibliographical sources.

    The title should be clear and concise but complete; it should include the species' names (common or scientific) of the dependent variables.

    In the heading, the variable names that represent the content of each column should be complete; if this is not possible, explain the meaning of the abbreviations in the title or the footnotes.

    Present the measurement units of all the variables using the International System of units. In the data columns, align the values by the last number; when it is a decimal number, align by the comma (papers in Portuguese) or by the period (papers in English) using the decimal tabulation resource; align the indicating column to the left.

    No cell (intersection of a row and column) should be empty in the table's body. Non-existent data should be indicated by a hyphen (-); three periods when the data is unknown, which does not indicate whether the phenomenon occurs; (zero) when the phenomenon does exist, but its expression is lower than 1 in the last decimal digit.

    Use horizontal lines to separate the title from the heading and the heading from the body; you may also use them on the table's base to separate the content from additional elements. Additional horizontal lines may be used in the heading and the body; do not use vertical lines.

    Design the tables in a Word document using the resources from the Table menu; do not use the space key to make the table; instead, use the tabulation key or the resources on the Table menu.

  • Tables' Footnotes

    Standard font style, 10 point Times New Roman

    Source indication: indicate the data source in the table and listed in the references section.

    Call notes: these are specific information about parts of the table to refer to the data. As an exponent, these should be indicated with Arabic numerals and between parentheses to the right of the word or number in the title, headings, body, or implied column. They should be presented continually, without changing the line or separating them by commas. To display significance, you should use the following in the table's body as an exponent to the right of the data: ns (non-significant); * and ** (Significant at 5% and 1% probability, respectively).
  • Figures

    The following are considered Figures: graphs, drawings, maps, and photographs, as long as they are used to illustrate the context.

    They should be in the text-only to certify the given facts when deemed necessary.

    The reference to a Figure in the text must be preceded by the word Figure, the Arabic numeral, and a period (bold uppercase).

    The Figure must be self-explanatory, i.e., they should not require the reader to look back at the text to understand them.

    In graphs, the variables X and Y designation should begin with capital letters and follow by the units in parentheses.

    Non-original figures should be published, but the source they were taken from should be correctly referenced. Credit to the authors of photographs and drawings, and graphs that required creative action to be done is mandatory.

    Standardize the units and the font size in all figures.

    The curves' points should be represented by contrasting markers, such as circles, squares, triangles, or lozenges (solid or empty).

    The numbers representing greatness and their marks should be outside the quadrant.

    The curves should be indicated in the Figure, avoiding excessive information from hampering the understanding of the graph.

    Figures must not have data from tables.

    They should be elaborated so that it has enough definition for good reproduction with no more than 8.5 cm or 17.5 cm long.

    They should be elaborated on Word or Excel so that editing is possible if corrections are made. When using another software, please send the name of the software.

    Legends should be included in the body of the Figure, in the title, or between the Figure and tile.

    Do not use bold letters in the Figure.

    The figures that are photographs, images, or drawings, measuring 8.5 or 17.5 cm, should be scanned in a 300dpi definition and saved as TIF files, separated from the text.

  • Scientific communications


    Include Abstract e Resumo followed by Key words and Palavras-chave in one piece of text.


  • Notes

    At least two experts should revise all manuscripts.

    The editor and scientific board reserve the right to require modifications in the papers and decide whether or not they will be published.

    The opinions and concepts in the papers are the entire responsibility of the authors.

    The accepted papers cannot be reproduced, partially or in full, without the expressed consent of the Editor-in-Chief of The Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo.

    The general office of the Journal can be reached through the phone numbers 55 (31) 3027-1186 and 55 (31) 3509-2120, or by email:

  • Copyright Notice

    Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License that allows the sharing of work and recognition of authorship and initial publication in this Journal.

    Authors can take on additional contracts separately for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the paper published in this Journal (e.g., in an institutional repository or published as a book), acknowledging its initial publication.

    Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) before or during the editorial process, as this may lead to productive exchanges and increase the impact and citation of published work.

  • Privacy Statement

    The names and addresses informed during the submission process will be used exclusively for the services provided by this Journal and are not available for other purposes or to third parties. Authors' email addresses are informed in the manuscripts published by the Brazilian Journal of Maize and Sorghum.

    Publication Ethics

    The Brazilian Journal of Maize and Sorghum adopted and applied the principles of publication ethics following the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (see:

  • For the authors

    The authors of a submitted manuscript must have contributed substantially at least in one of the following stages of the study: planning, data collection, interpretation of results, and they wrote or critically revised the paper. Also, all people listed as authors are aware of it and have agreed to be listed, and a person who meets the authorship criteria has not been omitted.

Author Guidelines

Preparation of Manuscripts

The Journal Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo (RBMS), Journal of Maize and Sorghum (JMS), is a Scientific Journal dedicated to publishing original Articles, Scientific Communications, Review Articles, and Notes on Maize, Sorghum, and minor cereal crops.


The RBMS accepts Portuguese, Spanish, or English submissions. However, after approval for publication, the authors must arrange for a translation of the manuscript into American English.

Qualified Ad-Hoc examiners will evaluate all submitted manuscripts, and the acceptance will be based on the scientific contribution of papers.

The corresponding author may send objections regarding the rejection of the manuscript to the Journal editor. After acceptance, the author(s), at their expense, must arrange to translate the manuscript into American English when the original documents are in a language other than English.

The authors must declare that the manuscript has not been submitted to other journals or published elsewhere. 

Scientific Reports may request documentation related to informed consent, ethics approval, and donor organ/tissue source. Failure to provide verifiable documentation may result in the withdrawal of a manuscript.



 Accepted papers will be published in the order that they were received and registered. To provide Open Access, RBMS uses a business model to offset expenses, including peer review management, journal production, and online hosting and archiving, by charging article-processing fees to the authors, institutions, or research funders for each article published.

To have an article published, the writer should be a member of ABMS or pay a publication fee of R$ 400.00 (four hundred Reais). 


Payments may be made by:

Banco do Brasil

Beneficiary´s name: Associação Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo

CNPJ: 59.013.664/0001-38

Agency: 0395-6

Account: 81278-1


Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed during the submission process will be used exclusively for the services provided by this journal and are not available for other purposes or to third parties. Authors’ email addresses are informed in the manuscripts published by Brazilian Journal of Maize and Sorghum.